Tag Archives: betting

How to Stop Making Idiotic Betting Decisions

June 29, 2018

How to Stop Making Idiotic Betting Decisions

The people of the human race are experts at making bad decisions, and we make these in a lot of aspects in our lives, sometimes on an hour to hour base, if we are that unlucky. In many aspects, we have to make a choice and see it through, and this can be clearly seen in gambling and betting. Once a bet is made it cannot change. However, we can combat this strange desire to pick the wrong path by learning strategies http://onlineroulettewheel.co.nz/blog/simple-roulette-strategy/, knowing the rules, and using our heads instead of our hearts.

Betting can be fun, but making the wrong choices can put you off the experience of gambling, and could have the potential to ruin your life, as the horror stories once told you. There are ways to stop making idiotic decisions if you pay attention to your surrounds and yourself. But first:

Why Do We Choose Wrong?

Many of us do not mean, but it is part of our nature and there are reasons for it. It can be the smallest thing such as cheating on a diet when you are close to stripping the last few grams to your ideal weight, to murdering someone. Not saying you would do such a thing, but a bit of over exaggeration gets the point across. There can be three reasons why we pick the wrong side, and these can apply to betting:

  • We want it. There are two kinds of pleasures that we experience, and those are: ‘liking’ which is the state of happiness when you do something, regardless how small. The second one is ‘wanting’. This factor is all about the thrill of the chase, and the excitement behind it. ‘Wanting’ is what can force us make bad decisions such as wagering more than you have, just to feel the risk of a heart attack when the beat speed up.
  • We want what we have not. This is an old, cliché saying that rings true. Betting is about getting a win; a win is usually about getting more of something back and in many of the cases that something is money. Many of us can have enough money to survive the month, but a lot of us want more because we do not have more. Therefore, we risk losing what we have to get more.
  • Once we start, it is hard to stop. Bad choices can have a ripple effect where many people think they can get out of a bad situation by adding to the fire instead of walking away from it. Some think that if they keep playing, they will get their due, but luck is not brought.

As mentioned we do not mean to make the wrong choices, especially when it comes to our wallets. This is why when we place bets we should keep a certain set of rules in mind as not to lose everything. Losing a little is fine, and is part of the game, but more can be harmful.

Mistakes Made While Betting

There are many mistakes that can be made while going to a game night but hopefully this article could help you avoid them. One of the mistakes is not having a limit in terms of money and time. While playing, there is a chance that you could lose, but you have the choice on how much to lose as well as how much to gain. Winners know when to stop, so if you win a bet, best is to go with your winnings.

Time goes by quite quickly when you are having fun, and some places (like casinos) are designed for you to be focused on the game only. This is why having a time limit is helpful so that you are not trapped in a timeless loop. Plus the more time you spend at the betting ring, the more money you are likely to spend.

Some gamblers bet with their heart and not their mind. This is not a good idea since it can backfire many times. Thinking with your heart is not logical and, although gambling is games of chance, it is can also be a game of logic. For example, a horse that has won the past few races could win again, or could lose since they are tried.

That being said having options is a good thing and a great draw to the gambling world, but choosing too many could lead you to confusion and frustration, plus you lose the thrill of the game because you would be to focus on what amount went where and when, etc. Betting should add to the experience of a game, not distract from it.

A major mistake that everyone makes (not only gamblers) is not reading properly. This is an important factor because a slight change to the name of the game is a completely different game than the one you got used to playing. Another thing is that knowing the rules can be to your benefit since it can increase your fun, and if you are lucky your chances. Betting is all about having fun, enjoying the ride, but not making an income. Play safe, play smart and think.

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